We said hello and goodbye in a single breath. We’ll say I love you in every breath ever after.

On September 4th, 2019 we lost our daughter, Helen; on September 5, she was born. Everyday since has been full of struggle, joy, heartache and learning as we build our relationship with our daughter and navigate the world as bereaved parents.

We are not alone. You are not alone.
We can navigate this journey together.

Welcome to Helen’s Place. Our vision is to create a welcoming community gathering space that provides programming and physical memorial artifacts to support families who are navigating their lifelong journey of grief after perinatal or infant loss.

Couple holding hands looking at sunset
Image of field of flowers

Our vision

Thanks to the incredible resources and support system surrounding us, we’ve survived the first year of our life-long journey as bereaved parents. But we know that not everyone will have a similar experience. We are building Helen’s Place to provide bereaved parents across the Greater Toronto Area with similar supports to the ones that were central to our own healing.

We have big dreams for what we can build.

Helen's Story

As a newly bereaved mother, Katie (Helen’s mom) has learned to experience joy in sharing Helen’s story–each word spoken or written providing validation of her role as a mother, and strengthening her relationship with her daughter. It’s these emotions that have led her to write a memoir of her experience, entitled “Pieces of Me; Pieces of Helen, A Mother’s Collection of Memories for her Stillborn Daughter.”

Image of open book by the window side
A hand reaching out for help


Whether to send a note of support, to share a similar story, to arrange in-kind donations, or for media inquiries, we’d love to hear from you.


Please click below to make a donation to Phase 1 of Helen’s Place.

Holding hands