
In the months after Helen was born, despite the outpouring of support from friends and family, we felt isolated. So few stories of perinatal and infant loss are shared publicly. When friends did come forward with their own stories, each time we felt a wave of gratitude and relief. We were not alone in our suffering.

Beyond our own community, we continued to seek out other stories like ours. To see ourselves in others’ experiences. To have our pain validated. That’s why the peer group bereavement support that was offered through Roger Neilson House was so central to our grief journey. And why we feel so strongly about building Helen’s Place.

But that desire to hear others’ stories also fueled an incessant search for essays, books, memoirs, podcasts–whatever we could find–where bereaved parents shared their own stories of love and loss. The below list is a summary of some of the most resonant resources that we’ve found in our search.

If you have resources that you’ve found helpful in your grief journey, please reach out and share them with us at

I loved you from the moment I knew you were there, and you will be loved until the day I die.

Zoe Clark-Coates